Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Notes from 12/4 Meeting

Love146 Boston Task Force Meeting Notes

1.4.06 Sunday 2-5:00

T-shirts: we should order female tailored T-shirts, to ensure they get seen

Grey is a good color

American Apparel has a good product for this

How to become a Treader procedure:

  1. Treader signs up, pays a Treader Fee and gets a T-shirt
  2. Treader gets as many sponsers as possible (at least 10) with a suggested minimum contribution of $20
  3. Sponsors can go to the website and donate (we will have an up and running website and a bank account, perhaps using pay pal)
  4. Paul will track what sponsors came from which Treaders and then
  5. Weekly he will forward this info to us the “Treader Mentors” so we can send our Treaders weekly emails telling them of their progress and encouraging them

Action List:

Everyone: Try to enlist at least 5 Treaders each, with a verbal commitment that they will become Treaders, when we launch the program

Also, if you have already contacted a gym that’s excellent; please send all this information to Jaime (gym name, address and contact name). If you are planning on contacting a gym (and please do, if you feel so inclined), please email Jaime first and see if anyone has already been there. If you need a script to go off of, Jaime can give you helpful tips. Emily and Jenn drafted a gym letter which is posted under the document tab of the Google Group, so that you can print it out and take it with you.

Jaime: minutes, send out next meeting info, type up script for approaching gyms, contact Arwyn about setting up an info session

Kim, Carrie and Judy: finalize materials this includes:

  • Letter to treaders
  • Letter to gyms
  • Letter to sponsors that treaders can give out

Emily: Press Release

Jenn: Media list, send logo to Kirby and Paul

Kirby: looking into screen printing and T-shirts at American Apparel. Compiling list of contacts for gyms

Pascha: email contacts from speaking gigs, fortify team, get collegiate crew to help with our initiative, connect with Brian King

Paul: will input materials into website and set up a bank account

Carrie: will talk to Sarah about enlisting the men’s softball team

Next Meeting: Jan 18th at 6:30 at the ministry center at the Cambridge Vineyard site.

Also save the date for Feb 8th and Feb 28th

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