Monday, December 1, 2008

Virtual Meeting Notes

Notes provided by the wonderfully organized Jaime B.!

Boston Task Force Love146

Virtual Meeting Sunday 11/30/08 6:30

In attendance: Kirby, Jaime, Carrie, Paul, Pascha, Kimberley

-main focus of the media group this week, will be our logo for ToT and the media sheet to be used in approaching gyms and also advertising (like radio and publications)

-also thinking about the website tree

-media team will be meeting this week

Kirby-has extensive marketing experience

-is going to work on T-shirt design, billboard design and a logo for the Quilting

Project and pdf-able posters

-also familiar with legalities of branding

Jennifer Eastman has secured the involvement of multiple gyms through one contact at Beacon Hill Athletic

-may be a good idea to have a sign up fee for becoming a ‘treader’ that gets you a T-shirt that treaders can use, that will help spread the word even more

-It will be a good idea not to quantify people’s miles

-we need to give serious thought to the functionality of the website and what we need it to do, especially in terms of collecting info about treaders and donors

-Carrie and Kimberley to convene to make decisions about how the process will work, eg. How information will be tracked and how money is collected and how much people sponser per mile and so on

-they will also draft a letter to treaders and a mock sign up sheet

Kirby can create PDF’s and such of these documents

-This Saturday from 12-6 in the Cambridge chapel on 12/6 will be the quilting event

-Park Street speech was a big success with lots of people willing to participate in our cause

-Very few people responded to Paul’s inquiry about helping to fund the ToT website

-The Lydia fair in the Spring will benefit Love146-this is a performance event

-By next meeting, we will have already sent a gym letter to all members with gym connections, so that hopefully by the time we meet on Dec 14, people will have already touched base with gyms

-It would be great to have material to drop off at gyms and tell gym management that we’ll be back in a week to touch base, if no one is available to meet with us initially.


Carrie and Kimberley- specs for ToT, mock up of sign up sheet and letter to trackers

Media girls (Jaime, Emily, Jennifer E and Jennifer K)-mock up letter to gyms and publicity and logo firming

-once this is done, we will send to Paul, before forwarding to whole group with reminder of gym contacts

(both of these teams will consider what the website needs to support our program)

Kirby-once logo is set, will begin design of T-shirts, billboard, posters, and business cards. Also she can begin design of quilting logo

Next live meeting, Dec 14th, Sunday 6:30 Cambridge Living Room

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